

Archer's 8 Month Round Up

Friday 28 October 2016

It feels like I was just writing Archers 7 month update yesterday. This month has gone freakily fast! Lily turns 4 in a few days and once her birthday is out of the way I always allow myself to start feeling more Christmassy. Except this year Christmas being round the corner means that Archers first birthday is just around the corner too and that's just not allowed, no no no!

I feel like I've been trying to cling on to so much of Archer's baby stage recently and this month has really just highlighted the fact that he's so nearly out of that stage altogether. The two things that were still making Arch feel like a baby to me - feeding and sleep - he seems to have got a new found independence for.
Unlike Lily who would only nap by herself, Arch has always needed to be fed or cuddled to sleep and would only sleep on me. I've already talked about this on my blog that part of me has absolutely loved this and part of me has found it somewhat frustrating as it means nothing can get done round the house. However in the past few weeks Arch had started refusing to sleep on me and so I decided to try again with him in his cot. It was obviously the right move for him because as soon as I put him down in his cot he fell asleep straight away. When it comes to feeding Arch has never been a massive fan of milk (again total opposite to Lily) but since starting solids he's really not interested and will only feed for short bursts in the day. So in that sense he's definately starting to need me less!

So Archer this month you -
Have teeth - Finally! This happened in the past few days and suprised us all. We thought teething had calmed down a bit as you've been drooling less and no red cheeks but they popped through one morning and you look oh so cute
Are experiencing massive seperation anxiety - You are stuck to me like glue this month Arch. What's all that about eh? If I leave the room or put you down it's like the world has ended. Monkey!
Having three meals a day plus snacks - Whilst I never did a proper food routine with Lily until she was close to 18 months, we've started earlier for you. You're definately ready for 3 meals a day, and probably more! 
Are napping on your own - As I've said above you are now sleeping on your own in your cot. This makes me both happy and sad!
Are playing games - You're engaging in games with other people rather than just playing on your own now. This is one of my favourite milestones! Your favourite game is putting a blanket over my head and then pulling it off again.
Getting on to all fours - Crawling soon maybe?

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