

Archer at 14 months

Thursday 23 March 2017

This kid! He's a menace. A 14 month old menace! I've slowed down on Archers updates since he turned one, mainly because things aren't changing quite so rapidly. So I'll probably update every couple of months from now on instead. With that being said, a lot has changed since his 12 month update. The main thing being that he's seriously in to everything and it's been taking its toll on my sanity a little of late. But he's also picking things up at such a speed and and its so cool to watch.

First and foremost I have to mention his climbing. Jeez this boy is SUCH a climber. We never had the whole climbing thing with Lily (which by god am I grateful for in hindsight) but Arch seems genuinely convinced that the whole world is his playground. Or more specifically, the whole word is his climbing apparatus. His and his alone.

So, yeah. I never really got that phrase that gets bandied about.. Boys! they're into everything aren't they? But here he is. The very definition of a boy whose into everything. And obviously this can be, and is, true of girls as well. Just not for our girl as Lily was quite happy to sit and play danger free. And thus because of this I'm not really sure how to deal with the whole climbing thing since in some way it makes me feel like a first time mum all over again. Removing him from climbable objects (seriously who actually knew there were so many things that can be climbed?) causes the mother of all meltdowns, several times a day, yet the alternative (falling) is obviously so much worse. & Whilst I used to be able to leave Arch in whatever room whilst I carried out small tasks - putting the kettle on, hanging up the washing etc I now literally cannot leave him for a second because he always manages to find himself in the most dangerous of situations. It's very tiring let me tell you!

At the same time that Arch is finding his feet in the world he's also picking up on things he hadn't previously noticed. He's big into trying to mimic people and also telling you things in his own little language.. Noises are a big one all of a sudden as he watches your mouth and starts trying to say what you do, and he's usually quite successful. His two most used words are Lily and Hiya. So cute. 

He's also recently begun manually copying things. Lily's toys for example - He sees her walking her figures up the stairs on her princess castle one by one, and he'll take the figurines and do exactly the same. Even hours later, showing it's something he's clung on to. 

He sings to himself a lot too. In the car or when he wakes up and honestly it makes my heart hurt with the love I have for him.

Sleep is on the whole better now. Naps are awesome. He will only nap once a day, but that nap is always a decent chunk of time (an hour and a half - 2hrs) and aren't a struggle to get him down for. It also means he goes to bed without a fight at 6pm as he's exhausted by that time, which is amazing and always makes the evenings so much easier. 
He often sleeps through till 6am which is when he wakes every morning (no matter what time we put him down. Exactly the same internal body clock as his sister) I say sleeps through - he still often wakes several times a night but tends to put himself back to sleep within a minute or so. Usually because he's after his dummy or Patch his toy dog.

As for those appearance stats - Archer's hair continues to baffle me. Now it's getting thicker on top its definitely changed a lot. It's gone more browny red, so more like Lily's basically. Although a whole lot lighter than hers still. But then some days it still looks very blonde, so really, I don't know!

Weight is hovering somewhere around 25lbs. He is the definition of a heavy lump. I definitely don't make light children let me tell you!

He is an absolute beacon of life and its gotten to the stage where I just can't imagine life not having had him in it.

Now bring on 15 months!

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