

Our Week in Pictures #7

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Week 5 of the summer holidays and we're all still alive! Just about ;) I've given up all pretence of living on anything but a diet of caffeine right now. Sleep is horrible (is there an 18 month sleep regression??) my migraines are back with a vengeance and my motivation for blogging and vlogging (/anything that involves getting my brain in to gear) is all over the place. However I'm enjoying the lack of nursery runs and having my two all to myself and even though the summer holidays seem to have lasted a lifetime, there's a rather large part of me not wanting it to end. 

The weather's been kind to us this week. It's been cloudy but warm. In a humid thunderstorm brewing oh hello migraine kind of way. But it has meant we've been out and about lots, which has been good for the kids even if not for my head. 

Early in the week we went to Harewood House and wandered around the (very beautiful) gardens. Harewood is expensive to go to as a one off but seriously worth the season ticket price - there's so much to do.

These photos were taken on a lazy day at home, midweek. I found an old baby bonnet of Lilys and shoved it unceremoniously on Archers head, ten sizes too big of course, but it looked so cute I had to snap a few photos. He'll hate me when he's older!

There's pretty much no photos from the latter half of the week because I spent most of it on the sofa dealing with migraine attacks and letting the kids run riot for the sake of ease. I don't know what's spiked my sudden increase in migraines? (I've started botox for them, an experience i'll talk about in more detail in another post) but I really wish they'd do one already.

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  1. Oh Ab, I really hope your migraines ease soon! Im so thankful I only get them rarely... I do feel for you. These photos are absolutely stunning, the lighting is amazing xx
