

I'm all about the small independent businesses found online these days. Or the 'Instagram kids shops' as they are often more casually referred to! I shopped at few for Lily, pre Archer, but my love for them really started after Archer was born and I struggled to find any boys clothing on the high street that impressed me.

The shops I found via social media, mainly Instagram, solved that problem for me and I more or less haven't looked back since. I've found that the clothing designs from these smaller businesses are so much more vibrant, unique and thought through. There's a lot less gender stereotyping within the clothes themselves, baby blues for boys and pink for girls etc and more often than not the collections are entirely unisex which I appreciate (especially as someone who was team yellow throughout her pregnancy).
Lastly, these shops are more often than not run by work at home mothers and in my opinion who better? They know their target audience to a T.

As I am a serial shopper I thought I would start a new blog series showing off my favourite collections. A lookbook series if you like, with Archer as my blissfully un-aware model (seriously he's so used to me snapping away at him with my camera that he doesn't even bat an eyelid anymore ha ha)

& who better to start with than Another Fox.

Another Fox AW17 Collection Lookbook

Thursday 31 August 2017

This is the first month in god knows how long I've had photos with me in to actually post. I've made a conscious effort to get in photos with the kids lately stemming from my realisation that I had more or less no photos of me and archer together. Not even grainy selfies! and no recent ones of me and Lily either.

I weigh a heck of a lot more now than I did pre Arch and I've not been happy with my appearance for a long time and so I think I just unconsciously made sure to stay behind the camera in the past year. But not being entirely happy with the way I look shouldn't stop me from being in photos with my kids. They're not going to notice, or care, when they look back at these pictures. And the fact that my own insecurities could stop my children from having photographic memories of me after I'm gone makes my heart break a little. And so I'm glad I've had the realisation sooner rather than later.

Mummy & Me - August

Sunday 27 August 2017

Week 5 of the summer holidays and we're all still alive! Just about ;) I've given up all pretence of living on anything but a diet of caffeine right now. Sleep is horrible (is there an 18 month sleep regression??) my migraines are back with a vengeance and my motivation for blogging and vlogging (/anything that involves getting my brain in to gear) is all over the place. However I'm enjoying the lack of nursery runs and having my two all to myself and even though the summer holidays seem to have lasted a lifetime, there's a rather large part of me not wanting it to end. 

The weather's been kind to us this week. It's been cloudy but warm. In a humid thunderstorm brewing oh hello migraine kind of way. But it has meant we've been out and about lots, which has been good for the kids even if not for my head. 

Our Week in Pictures #7

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Why is it the weeks go so much faster in the summer? The days are longer, so technically they really shouldn't, but once again I can't believe its time for another siblings round up already. (It makes me sad that its the last summer siblings post until next year, too.)

This month has been a full on 50/50 split of my pair being bffs and mortal enemies haha. As I said in my last update Archer now walking has brought them together in so many ways. They chase each other, play hide and seek, bring each other toys and dance with one another. The list could go on. It's lovely. But it's also given archer a billion more opportunities to charge over and wreck Lily's meticulous games, which still drives her insane. I also feel like Archer now being mobile and completely steady on his feet (and boy is he) has given Lily the feeling that she's now allowed to be rougher with him. She often grabs his wrist and drags him along, causing him to fall to the ground. And there's been a fair lot of shoving going on too. Archer gives as good as he gets though as he's now in a serious biting phase! Sigh. Thinking about the way me and my younger brothers were I cant see this violent phase (can I call it violent? Seems to strong a term but I can't think of another word) getting any better as they grow older. As me and my brothers used to fight like absolute cat and dog until I turned 18 and moved away!

I've managed to get a lot of photos of my two this month luckily. I'm well aware that the nice weather is nearly gone and so I've been snapping away whilst I can.

Siblings in August

Tuesday 15 August 2017

I'm typing this on a grey and wet Monday morning, sat on my sofa in a woolly jumper and a blanket. I can't help but think this isn't how the summer holidays should be!? Bloody UK.
(I actually watched a weather expert on 'This morning' a few days ago who said that everything has been pushed forward a month this year and so summer technically ended at the end of July. I mean how depressing!?)

That being said the weather in the past week has actually been tolerable. Not overly sunny, apart from a few odd evenings, but dry at least and I feel like I've actually made the most of the week, for a change.

So on to this weeks photos

Our Week In Pictures #6

Monday 14 August 2017

I'm typing post mid card game with Lil so this post might be a little all over the place (she's just stormed off in a huff because she's losing 😂)  
I haven't managed to find the time to do a weekend watch post in a while and I miss them. It makes me a little sad thinking about all those forgotten weekends that have gone undocumented. So this is me making a conscious effort to get back in to it, even if it means fitting it in between a game of cards with my sassy daughter.

Luckily I have a lot of photographs for you from this weekend as we've managed to get out and about a lot. 

Weekend Watch - Nature Reserves and Poorly Toddlers

Sunday 6 August 2017