

Why my daughter has the best dad

Sunday 21 June 2015

Today will be my boyfriends third fathers day spent as a father and its gone so quickly that sometimes I cant just can't comprehend it in my mind. I honestly don't want this to just sound like a braggy type of post but I couldn't ask for anyone better to help me raise my daughter. I feel like we're such a good team and we more or less have this parenting thing down now!

I'd be lying if I said during my pregnancy I didn't have any worries about what James would be like as a father, because lets be honest, no student in their early twenties is going to be pre-equipped with the tools to handle parenthood. Especially one who has no experience with being around children whatsoever. But from the second James held our daughter for the first time, any worries I had just completely disappeared. From the very first moment of Lily's birth it was clear to see that she was his absolute world and she has been ever since day one.

Sometimes I feel like I don't tell James enough what an amazing father he is and just how much I appreciate him but I guess the beauty of fathers day is that we're given a reason to do so. So James, if your reading this thankyou for being such a caring, hands on parent who makes our daughter laugh every single day. I'm so grateful that both me and Lily have you in our lives and I can't wait to see what the future brings 

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