

One thing I dont feel like you see enough of these days is full and frank reviews.

It's mainly an issue for me because I'm that kind of anal type A personality that googles like mad in order to research every inch of a place before I decide whether I'm going to spend the money and commit to going there. I tend to rely on trip advisor a lot, especially for viewing visitors photos because I find those seem to provide the most honest of reviews. (possibly because whilst words can be embellished or lie photos not so much?)

I do really enjoy reading blog posts that bloggers have written about their stay-cations too but find that many tend to focus on only the positives - on what a great trip they had and how beautiful the place was without mentioning any of the negatives. And I mean no place can be perfect right?

So with those frustrations in mind I vowed to myself, before even stepping foot in North Star Club or anywhere else we might visit this summer, that I would commit to a fully rounded review so that anyone who is like me and likes to search places before they go may come across this and it might help them in knowing more about it, pro's and cons included.

North Star Club - Worth the trip? (& the expense?)

Wednesday 25 July 2018

After speaking to a good blogging friend of mine earlier in the week I was reminded how long it's been since I've done a weekend watch post.

I've been focusing a lot on my week in pictures series that generally tends to include what we get up to over the weekend too but the first weekend of the summer holidays seems a good place to get back in to documenting our weekend adventures.

This weekend I re-discovered my love for early morning walks.

Weekend Watch - 22.07.18

Monday 23 July 2018

Sometimes I wish I could just do photo logs forever. Words aren't coming easily to me these days and to be honest I'm getting to the stage where I'm wondering if they ever will again.

How sombre. 

I don't know what kind of mind block I've been going through lately but it's irritating the hell out of me. It's a bit like my whole brain is just stuck fast in some sort of thick mud and there's no moving forward. (see, how bad was that analogy? I used to be able to do better than that even on the bad days.ha ha) 

So as usual of late I'll let my photos do most of the talking for me. 

Siblings in July

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Day in the life photography. Candid photography. Capturing the essence of normal, the day to day. 

This is the kind of photography that grabs my attention. The kind of photography I adore and that really helps me feel like I know more about someone and their family, allowing a little window into their life. 

This week I was delighted to be asked to join in on a collaborative day in the life post with a group of blogging ladies who photography I really do love. I chose this Friday to do my own day in the life as Lily had a training day and I was hoping to get out of the house and have a nice day in the sun together, the three of us. 

Day in the life - 6.6.18

Sunday 8 July 2018

The sunny weather continues

A week of garden barbecues, park trips and eating al fresco on the daily

Week in Pictures #24

Wednesday 4 July 2018