

Siblings in December

Wednesday 21 December 2016

My dreams of getting a beautiful christmas themed pintrest style sibling photo infront of the tree for the last siblings project of the year have been shattered , well and truly! I am however continuing my tradition of uploading the post least that's something I've managed to stick to ;)

We're all sick in this house. again. Every single one of us. So our days are being spent indoors trying desperately to recuperate before christmas day. I can't even begin to allow myself to think what Christmas is going to be like if we're all still like this on Sunday. Ugh.

I've noticed this month that Archer has been spending a lot of time watching his big sister with fascination. And it's bloody adorable. He loves watching what she's up to and taking it all in - sometimes he tries to copy whatever it is that she's doing and sometimes he just sits there and laughs at her. What I have also noticed though is that he much prefers to sit and watch her quietly from afar than actually play with her. 
Maybe it's just a phase and the next phase will be him wanting to play every single thing that Lily is (which will probably drive her mad!) but as it is at the moment he just shrieks at her when she gets near him. He likes to sit on his own and play and when Lily comes up to him to play with him, which she does quite often, he yells and bats her away. Which I have to admit does make me laugh a bit! Lil does have a habit of snatching things out of his hands so I think he automatically thinks that's what she's going to do every time she sits beside him!

I can't believe that this years sibling project has come to an end. I remember being so excited during my pregnancy to be able to take part in it and although I haven't got the flawless sibling photos that I often dreamed about during that time I've absolutely loved capturing them grow together, even if it has just been on my iphone most of the time.

I put together a collage of each month, starting from Archer's arrival  in January. A full year of the two of them, I can't believe it. They've both grown so much. I can't wait to be able to continue the sibling project in 2017 and watch their relationship change and grow.

It's been a horribly tough year, I've made no secret of that. But there's not been a day where I haven't looked at these two and appreciated how lucky I am.

See the full sibling project for 2016 here - 

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