

Our week in pictures

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

I am a serial photo taker. It's a bad habit. Or is it a good habit? I don't really know. All I do know is that every single week I end up with more photos than I know what to do with. 

They go into folders on my desktop and slow down my rusty old laptop with the sheer amount of space they take up and then they're not looked at again for god knows how long. It makes me a little sad to think that photos I've taken time and effort to take, of the people I love, are gathering dust and essentially going to waste. 

So much like with my through the phone series I'm going to make a concious effort going forward not to waste my pictures. Even if they're not the best. Not the ones I'm particularly proud of or ones that rub the photographer inside me up the wrong way. Too much light. Too much shade. Not crisp enough. blah de blah. It's not enough of a reason for them not to be featured on my blog. They're still representing some of my favourite memories of my favourite people. & so I wont be letting then perfectionist inside of me let them go to waste any longer!

Here is our week in pictures. 

We've had a good amount of outdoor play this week. As you can probably see. Last weekend was spent in Manchester with family. Lots of swing times, rolling down hills and jumping off logs. All in the sunshine. It felt like July, not March. It felt good.

The last four photos represent a 'not so great' of a day. One of those black hole parenting kind of days. Despite Archers smile in a few of them, he was in a beastly mood. Cutting back teeth and high pitched screaming from the moment he woke and thus I spent most of the day in tears. I did find a solution towards the end of the day though and such a simple solution too - to take him out into the garden. He calmed down a bit and ate a bowl full of grapes on the grass and I got chance to sit on the garden bench with a coffee and snap some photos. Maybe not the kind of day worth remembering, you might think. But actually yeah it was. Because it's important to capture the hard days as well as the easy. To show you got through it. And that he's worth it. And that one day you'll look back on these snaps and laugh about it. Those bloody teething days!

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  1. Wow- these pictures are so crisp and beautiful. Love the dimension and different focuses.

  2. Lovely photos and agree good to remember and show those not so good days. We are going through teething and it's not fun is it #sundaybest

  3. I absolutely love your photos lovely! I also think it's a good habit to take as many photos as you can!
    I hope you're better now, I hate those hard parenting days :( Big hugs xxx

  4. Amazing photos! Aren't cutting back teeth the absolute worst, hope it passes quickly x #sundaybest

  5. Lovely pictures. You can never take too many pictures of your kids! #SundayBest

  6. Oh wow, your pics are amazing! I take loads but they're nowhere near this sort of standard. I bet your Insta feed is incredible. Off to take a look in a sec. Have a great week this week :)

    Louise x


  7. Beautiful pictures as always lovely! #SundayBest xx

  8. Lovely set of photos. Zach's teeth are bothering him at the moment :( not fun #sundaybest

  9. Wow! What amazing pictures. I don't have the gift of photography. Just beautiful.

  10. Stunning pictures. We are also getting out in the garden more and more as we find its a distraction and break from the bad days!

  11. We're dealing with those back teeth now too. The first two just popped out. Poor little mouth. Lovely photos. Sorry about the late comment. #SundayBest

  12. These photos are absolutely stunning! What camera do you use? #SundayBest xx
