

Little Loves | Sun, Sea & Wifi Free Zones

Friday 26 May 2017

We're back from our weekend to Scarborough! and although we were only away four days it felt like weeks, it really did. But in a good way. It was every bit as hectic as I thought it would be - me and the kids, my parents and my two younger brothers all cooped up in this tiny little caravan. But it was also fantastic. A chance for adventures, cheesy butlins style children's shows and for the kids to spend quality time with their uncles. Lily loved every second of it and I soaked up every second of her joy. Her happiness is my happiness and I love how into it all she was. It made the weekend so special.

I made the decision not to vlog or take my DSLR to Scarborough and so I have no photos of videos from the trip. But it was so unbelievably relaxing, just sitting back and watching the kids play rather than watching them through a camera screen and trying to decide what would make the best photo or what might be good video footage. The caravan had no wifi either and so I was totally distant from social media. No constant scrolling of Instagram or checking of work emails. Yes it was a trip that was beyond exhausting, but I've also never felt so refreshed.

The surprising way the weekend has made me feel, combined with the horrific event in Manchester and the grieving parents and families that are never too far from my mind at the moment, I've been thinking about maybe taking a step back from my computer and trying to be more present and in the moment. There's a quote I read somewhere recently that went something along the lines of 'We miss so much, by worrying about missing it.' And that's exactly what I don't want to do. I capture so much of our lives because I'm scared of missing it, I want to preserve memories for my children. Something solid that can left behind after I'm gone, for them to remember us and our lives together by. But in doing so I'm probably missing so much myself. Maybe it's time to focus more on the 'real world'. It's something to ponder on for sure. Now onto this weeks Little Loves..

Honestly? This week I've read tacky magazines by the dozen.
 I mean, I've spent the weekend in a caravan park with no internet, what else was there to do! I can tell you just about every bit of celebrity gossip going with the amount of magazines I got through on my train journey haha. 

I watched Lily having a fantastic time in Scarborough but of course choosing to leave my camera behind means no pictures. I also watched Lily potter around my mums garden the day after we arrived home, she spent her the afternoon watering all of nannys flowers ever so carefully, being the sweetheart that she is. Archer loves my mums jungle of a garden too (seriously, it's ginormous!) and I watched him entertain himself by crawling around in the grass for several hours. It's been so lovely having the sun shine upon us the last few days. Nothing makes me happier than being able to sit out in the garden and watch the kids play. 

In contrast to Lilys sound of delight this week, all I've heard from Archer is whimpers and moans. Constantly! Whilst Lily's been having the time of her life poor Arch has been poorly. On the day we were due to leave for Scarborough he broke out in a rash all over his head and we had to rush him to out of hours to be checked. He was fine, just a reaction to a virus but he's very itchy and miserable and so he's been a sad cuddly boy of late and not himself at all. Not even this weather is cheering him up!

We made some great memories this week. Yes it would be amazing to have money to splash on expensive Instagram friendly over-seas holiday but our little caravan trip has cemented in my mind that we don't need all the expensive parts of a holiday to have a good time. As I said above, seeing Lily so in awe of everything and enjoying every second of our weekend has made my soul very very happy. 

(Lily also spent yesterday afternoon capturing a slug in a jar and 'making' a home for it hence the above picture. Vom!)

I've made some great clothing purchases for the kids recently and above are two of my current favourites. I love designs that are a bit different and so I'm loving Archers chief indian print top from Milk Moustache Official.

Lily's wearing a gorgeous orange print Next dress that my mum actually found at a sale. I cant tell you how much I adore it! 

I hope you've all been enjoying our mini UK heatwave this week. I'm really enjoying looking at IG and blogs and seeing photos of everyone out and about, appreciating the sunshine! 

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  1. I think we all need to step away from social media and our cameras sometimes. I'd be rubbish working as a family travel vlogger as when we go away I just want to switch off and enjoy it and always forget to take photos! Finding the balance that is right for us and our families is so important.
    Lily's dress is beautiful, what a find!
    Enjoy the weekend lovely x

    1. Same! I'm in awe of travel bloggers and vloggers but I certainly couldn't do it! Have a lovely weekend :) xx

  2. I think what you say about stepping back and truly being present is so true - our little ones are only little for so long, and with the scary events happening of late, treasuring our time is so important.

    The sunshine has been just lovely - and it looks like it is here to stay for the bank holiday weekend. Yay!

    I've just discovered your blog and absolutely love it! #LittleLoves

    1. It's forecast thunder here in Leeds this weekend, noo! Thanks Jade, I've just taken a peek at your blog and your photos are gorgeous! x

  3. I do that very thing every summer when we go back to my parents house for the seven weeks of holiday. I step back and dive in and out of social media but I don't blog as much and I try to be present and in the moment with the kids as much as I am documenting and wanting to remember those exact moments too. It's nice to find a balance between the two. The sunshine has been amazing hasn't it? i have to say little lady's dress here is stunning and your photography is stunning I keep meanign to say that to you on ig but your photos are beautiful! Hope you have a great bank holiday weekend ahead. #littleloves

    1. Oh thankyou Jenny that means a lot, I love your blog! It can be hard to find the right balance between being blogging but also being present for your family, but it's such an important balance to have isn't it xx

  4. What a stunning set of photographs! Sometimes it great to step away from the screen and just enjoy the moment #LittleLoves

  5. You really don't need expensive holidays - just quality time together and it sounds like your trip was perfect. Your photos are beautiful! x

  6. That quote is so, so true! I always want to capture every moment, but do worry I'm not actually in it. We vlogged our recent holiday, but not really properly - capturing the bare minimum which really worked out nicely for us! LOVE Lily's dress, I'd wear that myself haha! xx
