

About Me

Hello! My name is Abigail Bryony and I am a blogger from Leeds, UK. I live with my partner James and our two children Lily and Archer.

I originally started blogging during my first pregnancy to pass the time and soon stopped once Lily was born. I started back up again initially as a way to keep track of Lily's progress as she grew up, something I thought we could look back on together in years to come. My blogging soon became a platform for sharing my memories with other parents and networks. Lily Mae Adventures was born.

With Lily now a big sister to Archer Leo, it only felt natural to re-design the blog both in terms of looks and name. Lily Mae Adventures became Lilypad & Bow and Lilypad & Bow represents our two children and their respective nicknames.

My blog has grown from its initial conception. Not only has it branched out from just focusing on Lily's progress, it also has a very strong focus on my love and passion of photography. I also blog regularly about crafting, home decor, children's fashion, DIY projects and parenting as well as diary style posts (we all need a diary, whatever age!)

New posts are live every twice a week and often in-between too. Any post titled with an asterix * is a sponsored post. However any posts found on this blog, including collaborative posts will be honest and all opinions will be my own unless otherwise stated.

To get in touch please email, we'd love to hear from you.

Alternatively you can contact us via the following social media.
Twitter - @Lilypadandbow
Instagram - @Ourenchantedwood
Youtube -

1 comment :

  1. Sounds lovely, very similar to my own reasons for blogging. Keep it up!
