

It's been a stressful old week which hasn't been ideal what with it being Christmas but such is life. In a way I think it's somewhat fitting that Christmas day was kind of pants this year because it more or less sums up how 2016 has been as a whole. Pants pants pants.

God that's a depressing start to this post.. It wasn't ALL bad I should say. The day itself I mean. I ended the day with the people I care about most in the world, my family, and that's more than a lot of people have. What a lot of people dream of. So I don't want this post to come off ungrateful and as though I'm just happily focusing on the negatives as that's genuinely not the case. But I can't pretend it was the best Christmas ever either. Because it wasn't. Not by a long shot.

Christmas and the days leading up to

Wednesday 28 December 2016

My dreams of getting a beautiful christmas themed pintrest style sibling photo infront of the tree for the last siblings project of the year have been shattered , well and truly! I am however continuing my tradition of uploading the post least that's something I've managed to stick to ;)

We're all sick in this house. again. Every single one of us. So our days are being spent indoors trying desperately to recuperate before christmas day. I can't even begin to allow myself to think what Christmas is going to be like if we're all still like this on Sunday. Ugh.

Siblings in December

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Us mamas are usually pretty on the ball when it comes to Christmas. We get everyones presents sorted, kids, parents, aunties and uncles, cousins, second cousins, you name it! But it's fair to say we often end up neglecting ourselves in the process.
Me & James have decided not to do presents this year as we're trying to save money for a deposit but that hasn't stopped me thinking about what I'd have on my christmas wish list and what other mums might like too. 
Men, if youre stuck for ideas, look no further!

Mama's Christmas Wish List

Monday 19 December 2016

So I don't have the energy to type any sort of in depth post today I have to say. I'm poorly, shivery and achy with a horrible head cold but Blogmas I wont let you down I promise! I'm currently sat on the sofa watching the Xfactor final (it's pants) with a cup of lemsip and working on a scrapbook I've been doing for my auntie who isn't very well.

I've had a little think about what to write about for today's post and whilst I've got a few ideas floating around they'll have to wait for later days when I'm less exhausted. I've decided instead to post a few photos of our day in the form of a Weekend Watch post as it's been what feels like a lifetime since I've written one of these.

Weekend Watch - A much needed lazy day | Blogmas Day 10

Saturday 10 December 2016

Truth time here. Having two children is way harder than I thought it would be. I've been thinking about it a lot recently and I've come to the conclusion that the things I thought I'd find hard about having more children are not actually the things I've found to be hard at all. Does that make any sense?

During Archers pregnancy the main two things I would worry over was a repeat of colic and how I would deal with sleep deprivation with two on my hands. But actually neither has turned out to be as bad as I thought. It's all been suprisingly manageable. I think not having that first time panic this time round means I don't question every decision to do with Archer in the way I did during Lily's baby days. Nor do I get that overwhelmed feeling I used to get every time Lily was hurt, miserable or poorly. Granted Archer's colic turned out to be nowhere near as horrific as Lily's, like, not even on the same scale so that definitely helped but I also think it's just been a natural progression of having more confidence in what I'm doing as a parent. I've made no secret of the fact that Archers sleep is abismal, the complete opposite to Lily, my little sleeping angel who slept through the night from 9 weeks but even sleep deprevation doesn't effect me in the way I was worried it was. Am I tired? Hell yeah. Of course I am, I've not slept in 10 months, I'm freaking exhausted! But I tend not to dwell, I just get on with it and for the most part it doesn't really bother me.

Anywho I'm rambling and I'll get to the point of this post before I head off on a tangent about baby sleep. The thing I've actually found the toughest about having two children, the thing I hadn't really even thought about during my second pregnancy is knowing who to go to first when both of them want my attention. A question I seem to constantly ask myself - which child needs me more?

Which child needs me more? | Blogmas Day 9

Friday 9 December 2016

Ah weaning..such a messy messy experience! With weaning the second time around I have to say I've been way more relaxed. I remember when we weaned Lily I was terrified to give her anything that wasn't pureed to within an inch of its life for fear of her choking. She basically had jars and pouches for at least the first 6 months of weaning, possibly longer, and these days she's an incredibly fussy eater. I often wonder if a big part of it is down to me.

Archer has been weaned since 6 months and I have to say his eating experience so far has been completely different to Lily's.

How we're doing with weaning - Blogmas Day 8

Thursday 8 December 2016

Singing yet another one of her made up songs - "Boys. They steal our toys. & make a lot of noise. Those smelly boys. 30 seconds later..Except for father Christmas mummy!"  Clearly she's really bought into the whole Father Christmas is watching thing ðŸ˜‚

"If daddy is cheeky again I will be throwing him in the back of a dustbin lorry."

Looking at the chocolate bar on my bed - "I'm not going to eat your piece of chocolate mummy. I'm just going to look at it. And stroke it. It's so beautiful."

If Father Christmas ever rings me I will answer and say 'Hello Mr Christmas.' Because that's polite."

"There are lots of elves in the world isn't there?" (SO adorable!)

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What Lily said December | Blogmas Day 7

Wednesday 7 December 2016

      Written by Amanda Gummer, MD and founder, Fundamentally Children

Christmas is an exciting and therefore often highly emotional time for children. If you have more than one child at home, there’s lots you can do to ensure they all enjoy the festivities together, rather than arguing and bickering or getting jealous and competitive.

It’s a really good idea to make sure you spend some time with each child individually over the Christmas period. Find out what they would like to do and let them lead your time together to get the most from it. This ensures that nobody feels left out or sidelined in the excitement and business of preparations and also gives you the time to focus attention on each child amidst the madness.

Avoiding Sibling Rivalry at Christmas by Dr Amanda Gummer | Blogmas Day 6

Tuesday 6 December 2016

I'm not going to lie after having Archer I thought I'd feel more 'done' with having kids than I do. I only ever really envisioned having 2 children, that was always the life plan and I find it kind of un-nerving that since having Archer it doesn't seem like such a solid plan anymore. 

And it's got me thinking - when do you ever really know if you are done having kids? I mean is there a defining moment of yep I'm finished, no more raising of small humans for me thanks. Or is it a case of being sensible and weighing up the logistics - pros and cons, finances and what not to help you to come to that decision. Will we just forever feel broody because we're women and we're all just programmed to feel that way? Does feeling broody necessarily mean its right for your family to have another? How do you know? It all just makes my head spin a little really.

Do you ever truly feel 'done'? - Blogmas Day 5

Monday 5 December 2016

Cold I think is the word I'd use to sum up November. It's been absolutely freezing which meant most of November was spent indoors and therefore I have to admit that the last few rows of my camera roll are very samey.

This past month we've been looking around primary schools for Lily. Which still makes my heart jump a little to say out loud. I dont know if it's because of the fact that I'm suddenly aware of the fact she'll be starting school soon but she seems ever so grown up recently. We've decided on the primary school we want so fingers crossed we get it but you just never know with the amount of admissions these days do you? 

November Through My Phone | Blogmas Day 4

Sunday 4 December 2016

During my pregnancy I was constantly day dreaming about what nursery theme I'd be going with. For a boy I had a few different ideas floating around but I knew that if I had a little girl I'd be going for a dusky pink and grey colour scheme as I love those two colours together. 
I'm not a massive fan of bold colours in a bedroom, they strike me more as playroom colours and I'm not usually a fan of pink for girls as I find it can be a little garish, especially hot pink. However this light dusky shade of pink I keep coming across is just perfect. I'd totally do my own bedroom this colour is James would let me!
As we've had a boy the pink and grey nursery idea hasn't seen the light of day (although Archers nursery is grey, I may have to do his tribal nursery showcase soon!) but that hasn't stopped me from sharing the mood board I put together during my pregnancy as I wouldn't want it to go to waste after all ;)

A Pink & Grey Nursery Mood Board | Blogmas Day 3

Saturday 3 December 2016

"The Lighthouse philosophy is all about inspiring our inner adventurer of the simple everyday, whether that’s through woodland wanderings, a breezy coastal walk or a countryside stroll. The Lighthouse AW16 collection is crafted to keep you toasty for Autumnal adventures through leaf scattered forests or chilly conker hunts with your be-mittened little adventurers. Incorporating cosy new fabrics, authentic hand drawn prints and reliable, highly waterproof features - you can enjoy the simple pleasures of an Autumn stroll or spending a few quiets moments to yourself on a park bench."

A company with this motto is a company I'm on board with! Seriously. As soon as I saw this slogan I knew they were speaking to my soul.

Autumn Raincoats From Lighthouse | Blogmas Day 2

Friday 2 December 2016